I came across the cordfuck outfit from a twitter post one day. i was interested to see how a label operates so i lurked for a while,
The packaging was a black padded envelope with a cordfuck shipping label addressed to me. It was made with bubble wrap in the material, and while frustrating compared to normal bubble wrap, it did pop.
When you open the packaging, you're greeted with a small cd sized box sealed with a little mini cord-chan sticker, and inside, the CD. It's a standard jewel case with printed insert material. The CD's art is also printed.
As a technician, i wouldn't describe myself as a fan of printers, nor a snob at print quality, so i'm the wrong person to ask about the quality of the print, but the inserts are printed on good cardstock, and i like the artwork. it looks perfectly good to me.
Here's a picture of the cd insert and the cd itself
Also included in the packaging was a cordfuck sticker, featuring a sihlouette of their titular mascot, Cord-Chan Here it is, as featured on my work laptop
Upon ordering the cd I realized I havent listened to an audio cd in probably 5 years and my PC did not have a cd drive. I don't even have one in my car, so I reached for my laptop and realized I didn't even ahve a media player on it. I ended up ripping it with my webserver, before realizing I could just install rhythmbox on my laptop. I ended up just listening to it on my laptop. It's an Ayame Fukumi album. Very hyper. You can find it here I think the album is called Volume 1 but im not sure. That's what it's called on bandcamp and I cant read japanese so that's what I'm going with.
Ordering was relatively simple, and Vixie made sure the CD got into my hands in a punctual manner. I would recommend buying CD's from cordfuck 100%. I also feel I should disclose I paid for this with my own money. I see people say that in reviews a lot so i figure that's important.
All CordFuck Art is very uhh... borrowed.