A couple weeks ago my EDR popped off with notifications that suggested Web-Chan may have been compromised. She did her job perfectly by being the sacrificial lamb in a hack(!) but unfortunately that meant it was time to restore and rebuild
The majority of the reason this is taking forever to restore from is that we have been upgrading our servers since this was the perfect time to do so. Among the upgrades going around are the introduction of Hyper-Chan, our new VM host with a whopping 256 gigs of ram and all SSD storage (not that we were having performance issues or anything)
That being said, 16 cores and 32 threads with 4 1tb SSD's in raid 10 for VM storage and 2 raid 1'd boot drives is nothing to sneeze at, even if they're older cores, Especially when i can give VM's like,,, 32 gigs of ram "because".
Other upgrades include replacing the ram in t420-chan with a 128 gig kit and replacing her boot drives with raid 1'd ssd's. It still has a massive raid 50 to store all the garbage we generate here.
Virtua Senpai is retiring! Or at least not going to the colocation when moving day comes. Between T420-chan and Hyper-chan, most of our performance, backup, and hosting needs are met, save for the little game-server boxes i keep rescuing from offices.
Oh! And Web-Chan got a new SSD and a bit more ram so she can continue to be the best little web-proxy you could possibly imagine!
I plan on making them more informal and bigger, with more time in between posts. Less of a what's going on and coming up and more of a what i've found. I get too stressed trying to keep up with 'the news' in music so im just gonna stick to what i like during a period to keep things easier on me.
Rising from the trash like a phoenix, the radio is now Back(tm). you can add it to your VRC worlds with the link https://sadgirlsclub.wtf/stream/live.m3u8 or use it to stream in VLC. RTSP wouldn't have helped me shore up latency so it's still just a rtmp stream, but it works perfectly fine! I plan to bring vibexl back, but it not working is low on my priorities right now.
I want to continue to get artist's permission to upload music to dollify to build a community streaming app and i have a spare 2 tb m.2 i plan to get an add-in card to use in either hyper or t420-chan. I have a feeling if it gets more users it's main bottleneck is going to be storage speeds so using a bit of foresight and planning accordingly. For once in my life i have an abundance of storage options at my disposal and i have a carnal need to stick more SSD's in things.